INABA DENKO Division recognizes that realization of far reaching sustainable development is key issue for whole society, and positively makes effort for environmental conservation activities, plans continuous improvement and endeavors for pollution prevention through sales activities of Air conditioning installation accessories with our basic philosophy focused on “Contributing to the emergence of a prosperous and comfortable society by being considerate of the global environment through actions such as energy and resource conservation.”
We recognizes again that existing of healthy environment is a basis of human lives and activities (Natural Capital) and connect “environment” to the future with people, technology and products.

Envisioning a zero-emission factory
In recent years, the concept of achieving a “circular economy” has gained mainstream acceptance; in short, this concept encompasses the recycling of resources through reuse and recycling as well as the circulation of funds to establish associated initiatives at the same time.
At our production sites, we are promoting recycling and the minimization of emissions from individual factories with the aim of achieving zero emissions. To date, we have achieved a 100% recycling rate for copper pipes, Cooper being one of the primary material we utilize.

Endorsed TCFD recommendations/
information disclosure
In April 2022, we expressed our endorsement of the recommendations made by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures established by the Financial Stability Board Japan (FSB).
Our company ESG website (in Japanese only) analyzes the risks and opportunities that climate change poses to our business operations, and discloses information based on TCFD recommendations.
We will contribute to the creation of a carbon neutral society with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 20% by fiscal year 2030.

Our INAB Group recognizes the importance of a commitment to environmental, social and governance issues as highlighted under ESG principles, we are pursuing our business operations as a company that contributes to the emergence of a sustainable society.
A future adapted to climate change
We contribute to restraining global warming while at the same time responding to the impacts by climate change.
A future where resources and the economy circulate
We contribute to the creation of a society where resource and economic cycles are compatible.
A future where biodiversity is conserved
We manage the use of hazardous chemicals in our products and contribute to the conservation of water resources and ecosystems.
A future built together with our customers
We contribute to the creation of the future through our business and products.
A future with our employees
We create a workplace where everyone can work comfortably and get the best out of every employee.
A future of working together with our business partners
We build relationships of mutual trust and friendly rivalry as partners.
A future living in harmony with local communities
We support people who face disasters and the children who create the future.
Continuing to be a strong company through precise management strategies and Internal controls.
Continuing to be a righteous company that complies with laws and regulations and respects fairness.
Risk management
Continuing to be a flexible company that protects people and company and responds to all eventualities.